VIP NewsLetter Vol. 3
March 16, 2018

Dear Friend of VIP,

2018 can be a year of change for the DRC.  One of the fundamental assets of our country is our youth.  It will be up to them to take up the cause of making the DRC better in the years to come.

So what kind of country do we want?  Will the Congolese in the future understand only poverty and desperation or will they know hope through enlightenment of quality education? Will the Congo rise to its rightful world status?  Will the Congo youth understand that their dreams can be attainable? Dreams understood are dreams that are attainable.  Future DRC quality education is the dream catcher for our youth and the great  opportunity creator for their future.

As part of the research, I visited the University of Miami Ohio. I spoke with professors and students about the need for much stronger cooperation between transatlantic universities.

 We exchanged on various topics with the representatives of the university.

 The tour began with an introduction to the campus.

Here we are discussing library innovation and audio visual services.

Eddy Discusses Library Innovations and Audio Visual Services

In the technology room discussing the effectiveness of 3D printers.

Eddy Discusses the Effectiveness of 3D Printers in the Technology Room

In the Department of Chemistry where students have the freedom to express their points of view on public displays.

Students Have the Freedom to Express Their Points of View on Public Displays

Next we toured state of the art of chemistry labs.

After touring Miami University and seeing what could be for our country, I present the vision that can empower our youth to create their own destiny and a new direction for our homeland, the Congo.

Let me start with some basic facts:

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the largest francophone country in the world, has vast natural resources and spans a surface area of 2.3 million square kilometers... With 80 million hectares of arable land and over 1,100 minerals and precious metals, the DRC has the potential to become one of the richest countries on the African continent and a driver of African growth if it can overcome its political instability…

However, presently, the DRC has a GDP of 2.4% in 2016 and is a position of 176 out of 187 countries( (Last Updated: Dec 05, 2017).

So...What has happened to our country and where do we go to do a "start over"?

A short paragraph from UNICEF sums it up on where the "start over" begins.  

Educating children gives the next generation the tools to fight poverty and prevent disease, including malaria and AIDS. UNICEF advocates high-quality, child-friendly basic education for all, with an emphasis on gender equality and eliminating disparities of all kinds. Educating girls, in particular, has a ‘multiplier effect’.

Educated girls are more likely to marry later and have fewer children, who in turn will be more likely to survive and to be better nourished and educated. (

The staggering condition of the DRC's education have led to a total 48% school attendance.  This is totally and morally unacceptable on any level.  Even those 48%, fortunate to attend school, are faced with schools at subpar status compared even to other African countries.  

This is our line in the sand to go forward and we invite you to join us.  We must work together to implement ways to increase good relationships and active cooperation between families and the school. It is a partnership at all levels. From parents active in the schooling process to government investing the resourcing to enable education to flourish. 

It is from the best minds and hearts, we now present to you steps to achieve success in quality education for our Congolese youth in the DRC.

Of our objectives and the aims of our policy:

  • Improve the living conditions of pupils and students to facilitate the advancement of their studies
  • Provide grants and scholarships
  • Facilitate access to housing for students
  • Support job search assistance to give young graduates better tools for their professional integration
  • Successful development of schooling for children under 6
  • Increase learning methods for adults
  • Reforming educational programs
  • Create on-the-job training
  • Ensure the rights of parents to use their educational role
  • Promote the institution's ability to support students
  • Improve the effectiveness of the actions of the Ministry of Education
  • Ensure equality across the country and support the ambition of all young people
  • Initiate competitions and recruitment of teaching staff
  • Promote access to the directories of professions in national education, research, primary and higher education
  • Support a salary increase over the entire career of teachers and school administrators, a regular and transparent progress
  • Ensure a favourable retirement for teachers and administrators

Thank you again for your prayers and support.  We will continue to bring these VIP updates to you with a hope that working together, we will bring real change to the Congo.

God bless you and God bless the Congo, our home and future,

Président National, La Voix Indépendante du Peuple (VIP)
