VIP NewsLetter Vol. 1
September 16, 2017
Dear VIP Friends,
It has now been 2+ years since I entered the political spectrum and VIP started to work to make a difference in the Congo. From the start, VIP has been working hard to move forward acting on the Vision Statement that "The time has come for those of us who run for office or hope one day to lead the Congo to speak the language of hope. Our party, the VIP, carries the seed of hope and as it is planted everywhere, the birth of a new Congo will occur. It is my wish and commitment that we, as Congolese, join together in a single purpose to meet the challenge of changing the DRC for the better." The vision of VIP is being well received around the world. It has become a revival of sorts, spreading to every Congolese community and to those who stand alongside with and care about the Congo.
In VIP, I started not as a Congolese politician, giving the same old promises, resulting in the same level of poverty and suffering, but as a Congolese having learned the western formulas of success and prosperity. As I have been a success in western business, I believe these formulas can make the difference in the Congo as long as we can partner with the right resources. From my Profile, I believe I am uniquely qualified to pull together a partnership of the Congolese ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and a ready work force with western technology, training, and those westerners who care about the Congo. This combined effort brings together the best of what Congo and the western countries have to offer each other. Working together in this collaboration, with the Congolese taking the lead, the Congo will be a country to first benefit its own citizens and then play a major role in the world's economy, again for the benefit of the Congolese first. My Personal Message expresses my drive to help the Congo.
As I have indicated above, VIP's message is being received very positively. With the greater spread of what VIP stands for, the need is for a new way to tell of our progress on behalf of every Congolese dreaming of a better life. As communication is essential for the Congolese to come together to change the future of the Congo, we will be providing a periodic newsletter for information important to the progress and the milestones of the VIP party, your party of hope for the Congo.
As our speeches have appeared on social media, we have heard the cries of the Congolese for a life of safety and opportunity to succeed. With the Plan of VIP that "Our message is for the return of political, economic and social power to the Congolese. The efforts of the party then is to focus on the development of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for all Congolese", we are carrying your voice forward. VIP party's "Our Message" is your message and we are moving forward with you to change Congo.
I look forward to future newsletter communications to provide current and relevant information for the Congo and the VIP's efforts, your efforts, to make the Congo your country again. Please feel free to send your comments to
God bless you and God bless the Congo, our home and future,
Président National, La Voix Indépendante du Peuple (VIP)